Why choose Bitmoq services instead of hiring people in-house or from a contractor?

Hiring a skilled professional takes months and costs a ton (average $120,000 per year in house) + all the benefits and severance commitments without a single guarantee that they will deliver what you want. Our subscription model are best suited for companies operating under USD 2 million per year. You pay less, get results faster, and have the flexibility to pause or cancel your arrangement anytime. Our Operations as a Service focus is on automating as much processes as possible to deliver the results you crave for.

Yes. What you get is outcome with speed. Rest of the pain around hiring, payroll, benefits, severance, overhead, etc is not at all your headache. We manage those for you. With a team of max 2 experienced professionals, we can automate almost every friction/pain you go through with efficient automation techniques with guarantee and results. Moreover, our Quarterly model on a year sums up to only USD 23K, which is 80.33% cheaper than a service delivery contractor or in-house resource. On top of this, we also help you in tuning the business strategy & process to make deliver the outcome.

When you choose the Monthly/Quarterly plan, you will be redirected to a contact us form. Fill out the form and choose the Plan correctly. We will send you an invoice to make the payment. 

If you are not 100% satisfied with our service or want to cancel the subscription, please open a ticket on Bitmoq Customer Portal and address it to “Complaints” Department. Please give us an opportunity to rectify your concerns.

The majority of our communications would be via email or via messaging channels like Slack. Minimizing call time is very crucial of us to deliver projects quickly with high quality. We also provide an optional weekly call to discuss any bottlenecks, prioritization changes and to track progress. This weekly call is optional (can be cancelled) if you are already happy with the updates and progress of the project.

You can submit an unlimited number of requests to our team. The requests would be taken up by our team one by one (first come first serve basis or as per the priority you decide on). Our goal is to tackle each request within 2 weeks. Once a request is delivered, we will start working on the next.

  1. You need to login into Bitmoq Customer Portal
  2. Go to “Support” tab in the main menu
  3. Click on “Open Ticket”
  4. Fill out the Subject and Ticket Body. Make sure that the Department is “Project Intake” and Priority is “Medium” (this would be the default).
  5. Add any attachments, if necessary
  6. Click “Save”

We will review this request and add it to the queue. If we have any questions, we will reach back to you.